London Focusing


Paying attention to how the body responds in specific situations increases our available choices, enabling us to act and think in new, more holistic ways.

By adding this Focusing awareness, any coaching approach, even other ‘body’ coaching, can be enhanced. The basic skills we teach can be added to anything you already find helpful.

Coaching has been shown to be useful for managers and others involved in the creative or corporate world, public sector institutions, & NGOs. It is useful for individuals who are seeking to improve professional relationships and to achieve greater life balance or to pursue new goals.

Focusing coaching sessions are offered in-person & online, using skype and telephone.


Focusing Coaching can take the form of individual Skype sessions that concentrate on a specific work issue or life project. Or, this approach can take the form of group training at the workplace, helping to create an innovative work culture where novelty and openness is encouraged.

Focusing training has already been especially effective in small business settings and with staff who work with the public.