Our teaching team always includes experienced Graduates of London Focusing who assist with the teaching and practice sessions. Frank, Jessie and Greg are our Certifying Coordinators. The full-time team also includes Cathy McCoy, Pam Bell, and Carol Poole, who are all long-time Focusers, Focusing Therapists and Graduates of our first London programme. Carol also administers our workshops and is the primary contact with our students.
We are pleased to invite some of the most experienced Focusing oriented therapy teachers from around the world (pictured below) to our supervision panel for the 2-year certification course.
We also sometimes invite international teachers to London to offer weekend courses to our students, graduates and anyone else interested in specific developments of Focusing and Focusing Oriented Therapy.
These supervisors and international teachers offer many specialties within Focusing, for example work with dreams, expressive arts, work with children and inner child work, somatic approaches to trauma and others.
Lynn Preston
New York, USA
Dan Schachter
Professor Akira Ikemi
René Veugelers
Professor Salvador Moreno-López
Dr Judy Moore
Dr Laury Rappaport
California, USA
Dr Leslie Ellis
Vancouver, Canada
For supervision of independent practice outside of our courses, feel free to contact us directly via email.