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New Workshops at London Focusing

The teaching team at London Focusing are pleased to announce that we are holding a 2-day INTRODUCTION TO FOCUSING & FOCUSING-ORIENTED THERAPY. The Introduction begins with a weekend in person in Central London on Saturday 15th April and Sunday 16th April 2023, and continues with a half day online the following Saturday, 22nd April 10 – 1 p.m.

We want everyone to have an experience of our in-person teaching and our online teaching as this combination of in person and online sessions will be mirrored in the design of our next 2 year Certificated Course to begin 7th October 2023.

We look forward to welcoming those new to focusing and also those who have shown an interest in the 2 year course as it will be a chance to get to know us before commiting to the full 2 years.  This Introduction is not a requirement of registration for the 2-year certification course but it is advised. Some previous Focusing experience (at least equivalent to an Introductory weekend) is needed before admission to the 2-year course.

Do get in touch for more information. The fee is £220 and the venue is at The Islington Ecology Centre.