We welcomed 25 participants to our new training, held in central London on October 7-8. It’s an excellent and diverse group of people, some very experienced psychotherapists and other ‘helping’ professionals as well as people from various other walks of life. We were lucky to have 3 teachers and 3 assistants as well as our administrator on hand to offer support. The next weekend is online in December. Exciting to finally get going, starting with very basic and profound experiences of Focusing and Listening pair work.
New 2-year certification training has begun!
- Post published:9 October 2023
Tags: Brighton Psychologist, Counselling CPD, Counselling Psychology London, Counsellor CPD, Embodied Practice, Eugene Gendlin, Experiential-existential therapy, Focusing, Focusing Oriented Therapy, Focusing Training, Greg Madison, London Focusing Institute, London Focusing training, phenomenology, therapist CPD workshops